Diary of an oxygen thief series
Diary of an oxygen thief seriesdiary of an oxygen thief series

This book has a blog where the writer gives more detail and the delicious experience of peeping into someones private diary continues.more

diary of an oxygen thief series

I've read it twice since first picking it up six months ago. I laughed out loud, I cried and had to put it down to stop my heart from beating so hard. An alcoholic's account of his misogyny is brutal and hard to take at times but the author makes it easy to read because of his honesty, grace, introspective remorse, all interlaced with humor. The opening line "I liked hurting girls." grabbed me and the following pages made my heart pound as I realized that what was done to me in my lifetime was all documented in this diary. What was done to us, what motivates others to harm us, and what we allow them to do. An alcoholic's account of his misogyny is brutal and hard to take at times but the author makes it easy to read because of his honesty, grace, introspectiv This is an honest, real, account of the legacy of pain, neglect and abuse. This is an honest, real, account of the legacy of pain, neglect and abuse. I'm worried about the impressionable young adults who will pick up this book and think that this is a story of love and redemption. Comparing this book to Catcher in the Rye and Lolita is insulting to both of those books. The whole "story" is 95% him complaining about how horrible his life is while the other 5% is how horrible he was treated by the girl he loves (and by love I mean obsesses over, thinks about hurting her, and then condemns her for doing the same thing to him that he's done to countless women before with very little remorse). The narrator is a pretentious asshole with zero redeeming qualities. Comparing this book to Catcher in the Rye and Lo Without a doubt one of the worst books I have ever read. Without a doubt one of the worst books I have ever read.

Diary of an oxygen thief series