Parallax mapping rpg maker vx ace
Parallax mapping rpg maker vx ace

  1. #Parallax mapping rpg maker vx ace how to
  2. #Parallax mapping rpg maker vx ace series

My decision to learn basic image creating and editing techniques started with my previous cancelled WIP Half-Life: Nemesis, which required me to create a lot of original pixel art to replicate the feel of the Black Mesa Research Facility. This screen of the “Starfont” being shattered into 13 pieces, I don’t like so much. None of it’s good, but someday, if I can turn what’s in my head into what I see on the page, I might actually get somewhere with my art.

#Parallax mapping rpg maker vx ace how to

Ever since I taught myself how to use the GIMP software (I’m a few years late, aren’t I?), I’ve been going crazy with pixel art. That’s my favorite screen, which is of two clashing armies in front of a blood red sky, if you couldn’t tell. I don’t have the artistic ability to create detailed pixel art yet, so I settled on creating outlines of everything and blacking it all out to give audiences the general idea of the scene I’m trying to convey. The prologue is the only part of this cancelled game I’ve completed, so for your viewing displeasure and my mild embarrassment, here are the first 9 screens of the game:

#Parallax mapping rpg maker vx ace series

The prologue is to be told to the player through a series of screens of character silhouettes, which represents the extent of my free-hand artistic ability. After a 7-year-long quest, he returns to his homeland (think Robin Hood coming back to England after the Crusades), and it’s at this point the player’s quest begins. While the novel is to be about drug addiction and mental illness, the RPG is to be about a man named Gerard, who is the captain of an elite fighting force called the Obsidian Knights. I just like the word and what it signifies. The title Ataraxia comes from the title of my novel, which is also on the back-burner, and the two are not at all related.

parallax mapping rpg maker vx ace

Let this post also serve as proof to my future self that even I, a washed-up novelist wannabe, am capable of creating original content rather than merely soaking up the content of others.

parallax mapping rpg maker vx ace

Though I’ve cancelled Ataraxia, or at least temporarily placed it on the back-burner until things in my life settle down, I want to share what I’ve so far got on my blog for future reference. Lately I’ve been finding it increasingly difficult to undertake ambitious creative projects, especially with my current 12-hour, 6-days a week work schedule and my shift in focus from sitting on my laptop to physical fitness. Consider it cancelled, consider it announced. Ataraxia: Sins of the Obsidian Knights is the latest RPG Maker VX Ace project that I’ll cancel before I even announce it on my blog.

Parallax mapping rpg maker vx ace